Simplifying Open-Source Ecommerce Software
1 Platform at a time

Finally, get your
Magento 2 Agency Tool
without the hassle

Build and manage all your Magento 2 stores from one dashboard!
Install Magento 2 within minutes
Use our Best-Practice Theme
Best Performance
One Single Dashboard to manage your Magento 2 Webshop

The perfect choice for any 

maker 🔧
creative 🥳
coffee-lover ☕️
developer 💻
designer ✏️
creator ⚡️
maker 🔧
creative 🥳
coffee-lover ☕️
developer 💻
designer ✏️
creator ⚡️
maker 🔧
creative 🥳
coffee-lover ☕️
developer 💻
designer ✏️
creator ⚡️
maker 🔧
creative 🥳
coffee-lover ☕️
developer 💻
designer ✏️
creator ⚡️
Magento 2
Open Source
Magento 2 Theme


Magento 2
Open Source
Magento 2 Theme

Personal information is encrypted and protected

Say goodbye to bank fees.
Deposit funds easily, securely.
Get live support 24X7
Magento 2 B2B solution that handles it all.
that handles it all.
Easy Setup
Magento 2 Installation made easy, like never before. Configure your store and deploy it in minutes!
Project Dashboard
Manage all your Magento stores from one dashboard.  
Convert Ideas to Execution
Quickly install new extensions from our Marketplace to expand your store features.
Complete Visibility
Follow your store performance and results in real-time. Customize reporting to your needs.
Magento 2 B2B Store Features list
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Frequently asked questions

Do you offer installation service?
What are the benefits of using Magento 2 for an ecommerce store?

Magento 2 offers several benefits for ecommerce stores, including a flexible and customizable platform, powerful features and extensions, robust security measures, improved performance, and a large community of developers and users for support. It is highly scalable, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes, and provides a range of tools to help manage and optimize your online store.

What is Magento 2?

Magento 2 is a powerful, open-source ecommerce platform designed to help businesses create, manage, and optimize their online stores. It offers a flexible and customizable solution with a wide range of features, extensions, and integrations, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes. Magento 2 is the successor to Magento 1 and comes with improved performance, enhanced security, and a more user-friendly interface.

Can I migrate my existing Magento 2 store to StoreFrame Theme?

Yes, you can migrate your existing Magento 2 store to the StoreFrame Theme. The migration process typically involves installing the theme, configuring the settings, and ensuring compatibility with your existing store data, extensions, and customizations. It is recommended to consult with StoreFrame support or follow the provided documentation to ensure a smooth migration.

What are Magento 2 Themes?

Magento 2 themes are pre-designed templates that determine the appearance and layout of your Magento 2 store. They control the visual presentation, user interface, and overall look and feel of your ecommerce website, enabling you to create a unique and engaging shopping experience for your customers.

What is Magento 2 Open Source?

Magento 2 Open Source is the free version of the Magento 2 platform, designed for small to medium-sized businesses. It offers a wide range of features and customization options, allowing businesses to create unique and engaging ecommerce experiences. While it

How do the StoreFrame integrations work, and which integrations are supported in the StoreFrame Theme?

The StoreFrame Theme supports a wide range of integrations, including popular payment gateways, shipping carriers, marketing tools, analytics services, and various other third-party extensions. The integrations work seamlessly with the theme, providing additional functionality and features to your Magento 2 store. The exact list of supported integrations may vary, so it's recommended to check the StoreFrame documentation or consult with their support team for specific integration requirements.

Can the StoreFrame Theme be customized to fit specific user needs?

Yes, the StoreFrame Theme can be customized to fit specific user needs. While it offers a wide range of built-in features and best-practice design elements, you can also modify the theme according to your requirements and preferences.

How does the StoreFrame Theme ensure high performance and efficiency for my Magento 2 store?

The StoreFrame Theme ensures high performance and efficiency for your Magento 2 store by following best-practice design, coding, infrastructure, and UX guidelines. It is optimized for 85+ Google Pagespeed, ensuring faster load times and a better user experience. The theme is also compatible with various Magento 2 features and extensions, which allows for seamless integration and improved store functionality. Regular updates and adherence to the latest industry standards help to maintain optimal performance and efficiency for your ecommerce store.

How does the StoreFrame Theme compare to other Magento 2 Themes on the market?

The StoreFrame Theme stands out due to its focus on best-practice design, coding, infrastructure, and UX. This ensures high performance, user-friendly experience, and compatibility with various Magento 2 features and extensions. StoreFrame Theme also adheres to the latest industry standards and offers ongoing updates to stay ahead of the competition.

What are the benefits of using a best-practice Magento 2 Theme like StoreFrame?

Using a best-practice Magento 2 theme like StoreFrame offers several benefits, including a user-friendly interface, optimized performance, improved SEO, and compatibility with various extensions and features. It ensures that your store adheres to the latest industry standards and best practices, providing a seamless shopping experience for your customers and enhancing your store's overall functionality.

What are the most important features of the StoreFrame Theme?

Some of the most important features of the StoreFrame Theme include its best-practice design, coding, infrastructure, and UX, high performance with 85+ Google Pagespeed, compatibility with various Magento 2 extensions and features, and adherence to the latest industry standards. It offers a user-friendly interface, seamless shopping experience, and is designed to enhance the overall functionality of your Magento 2 store.

Are there any case studies or success stories from customers who have used StoreFrame?

Yes. Find a selection of case studies on our website through our main navigation.

Does StoreFrame offer a Free Trial?

The Free Trial of StoreFrame provides access to most features of the StoreFrame Hub and StoreFrame Theme, allowing users to explore and test the platform's capabilities. The free trial is available for a duration of 7 days.

What is the level of customization allowed in the StoreFrame Hub and Theme?

StoreFrame allows a high level of configuration for the StoreFrame Hub and customization for the StoreFrame Theme. With StoreFrame Hub, users can choose their store and hosting configuration and integrate custom themes or extensions. StoreFrame Theme allows users to modify the design and functionality of their eCommerce store according to their preferences, ensuring a unique and tailored shopping experience for their customers.

What kind of support is provided for StoreFrame users? Is there a dedicated support team or forum?

StoreFrame offers best effort support through a team of experts who can assist with any issues or questions. In the near future, users can also access a community forum, where they can share experiences, ask questions, and receive help from other StoreFrame users and experts.

What is the difference between StoreFrame Hub and StoreFrame Theme?

StoreFrame Hub is a management tool designed to simplify the process of creating, deploying, and managing Magento 2 stores, while StoreFrame Theme is a best-practice Magento 2 theme optimized for user experience and performance. StoreFrame Hub offers a wide range of features to manage and maintain Magento 2 stores, whereas StoreFrame Theme focuses on providing a visually appealing and user-friendly design for your eCommerce store.

What is the process of updating my Magento 2 store when using StoreFrame Hub?

Updating your Magento 2 store with StoreFrame Hub is a straightforward process. When a new update becomes available, StoreFrame Hub will typically notify you in the dashboard. You can then follow the guided update process provided by StoreFrame, which usually involves creating a backup of your store, applying the update to a development or staging environment, testing the update for compatibility and functionality, and finally deploying the update to your live store. This ensures a smooth and safe update process.

Is StoreFrame Hub suitable for small businesses or large enterprises, or both?

StoreFrame Hub is designed to cater to businesses of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises. Its scalability, user-friendly interface, and extensive features make it a suitable choice for businesses at any stage of growth. StoreFrame Hub can adapt to the unique needs of each business and provide a powerful, efficient solution for managing and maintaining Magento 2 stores.

Is StoreFrame compatible with Magento 2 Open Source, Commerce, and Commerce Cloud editions?

Right now we only support Magento 2 Open Source.

How does the StoreFrame Hub ensure high performance and efficiency for my Magento 2 store?

StoreFrame Hub ensures high performance and efficiency for your Magento 2 store through optimized infrastructure, adherence to Magento 2 best practices, and high-performance hosting options. StoreFrame also provides features like 85+ Google Pagespeed scores (when using the StoreFrame Theme), streamlined DTAP configuration, and seamless integrations, all of which contribute to an efficient and high-performing Magento 2 store.

How secure is the StoreFrame Hub, and what measures are taken to protect my store's data?

StoreFrame Hub takes security very seriously and employs multiple measures to protect your store's data. These measures may include data encryption, regular security audits, and compliance with industry-standard security practices. Additionally, StoreFrame Hub allows you to host your store on your own server, providing you with full control over your data and its security. For detailed information about StoreFrame's security measures, please refer to our website or contact their support team.

How do the StoreFrame integrations work, and which integrations are supported in the StoreFrame Hub?

StoreFrame integrations work through the StoreFrame API, which allows the StoreFrame Hub to seamlessy integrate with your hosting provider and deploy your Magento 2 store to your own server.

Can I migrate my existing Magento 2 store to StoreFrame Hub?

Yes, you can migrate your existing Magento 2 store to StoreFrame Hub or StoreFrame Theme. It is recommended to consult StoreFrame's support team or documentation for detailed instructions on the migration process to ensure a smooth transition.

How can I create a new Magento 2 store with StoreFrame Hub?

To create a new Magento 2 store with StoreFrame Hub, simply log in to your StoreFrame Hub account, navigate to the project dashboard, and create a New Project. Follow the guided setup process, choose your desired Magento 2 setup and theme, connect your hosting provider, and complete the installation. Once the setup is complete, your new Magento 2 store will be ready to use.

How is StoreFrame different from other Magento 2 management platforms in the market?

StoreFrame stands out with its user-friendly interface, quick installation, high performance, and extensive features for both beginners and developers. StoreFrame Hub and Theme are designed to work seamlessly together, offering a cohesive and powerful solution for managing and customizing Magento 2 stores. Additionally, StoreFrame provides a dedicated agency portal, DTAP configuration, and the ability to use custom themes and extensions, setting it apart from other platforms.

How does the DTAP (Development, Testing, Acceptance, and Production) configuration work in StoreFrame Hub?

StoreFrame Hub streamlines the DTAP process by allowing users to quickly configure and deploy their Magento 2 stores with just a few clicks. Users can easily set up different environments for development, testing, acceptance, and production, ensuring a smooth workflow and minimizing potential issues before launching their store.

Is there any limitation on the number of projects or stores I can create and manage with StoreFrame Hub?

You need a new pricing plan for every project or store you want to create. There is no specific limitation on the number of projects or stores you can create with StoreFrame Hub.

How much does StoreFrame Hub cost? Is there a pricing tier?

StoreFrame offers both Merchant and Agency pricing options to cater to different needs. All plans exclude hosting cost that starts at $29/month (host on your own server).Merchant Pricing:1. Starter - Priced at $149/month (billed yearly)2. Professional - Priced at $209/month (billed yearly)3. Enterprise - Priced at $379/month (billed yearly)Agency Pricing:1. Starter - Priced at $65/month2. Professional - Priced at $85/month3. Enterprise - Priced at $115/monthStoreFrame offers a range of plans to cater to different needs, all of which include easy Magento 2 installation, a user-friendly interface, full DTAP configuration, and the option to host on your own server. All plans also feature best-practice Magento 2 theme, coding, infrastructure, UX, soft B2B features, high performance with 85+ Google Pagespeed, and dedicated support.The number of environments varies, with 2 for the Starter plan, 4 (DTAP) for the Professional plan, and unlimited environments for the Enterprise plan.While the Professional and Enterprise plans include Magento 2 multi-store options. Custom themes are exclusive to the Enterprise plan. In terms of support, both the Starter and Professional plans provide best-effort support, while the Enterprise plan offers priority support to ensure the best possible customer experience.In the near future, StoreFrame plans to introduce a white-label client portal for agencies, further enhancing the value and offerings for agency clients.

Can I use my own custom theme or extensions with StoreFrame Hub, or am I limited to the built-in options?

Yes, StoreFrame Hub allows you to use your own custom themes and extensions, providing you with the flexibility to tailor your store's appearance and functionality according to your preferences. You are not limited to the built-in options. You will need our Enterprise plan to use custom themes.

Approved by industry experts
that rated StoreFrame 4.9/5

"StoreFrame is built following all the best-practices guidelines of Magento 2.
It is also flexible to adjust to any specific user needs."
"One of the most disruptive solutions for Magento 2. There is no similar platform that makes it so easy!"

Create new stores with our wizard

Centralize and simplify store management, and get comprehensive insights on your store, hosting and environments. You can connect your own hosting provider to StoreFrame.
Choose your Ecommerce Platform
Choose your OTAP setup and themes
Select your hosting provider

Manage all your projects in 1 place

Centralize and simplify store management, and get comprehensive insights on your store, hosting and environments. You can connect your own hosting provider to StoreFrame.
Always on top of your projects
Insights at the click of a button
Add new team members without effort

The 4 step route to launch your Magento 2 store with StoreFrame. The fastest time-to-market. Period.

Magento 2 Installation
Configure your setup and deploy in minutes.
Magento 2 Configuration
Configure all your store views, settings, payment, shipping and other important things.
Magento 2 Catalog
Import or sync your catalog with Magento 2 to add your categories, products and attributes.
Go live and grow your revenue!

Why StoreFrame?

Without StoreFrame, Magento 2 is only available for project team with big budgets that can hire a development team for months. And still, the results can be doubtful.

Choose for a platform that makes Magento 2 Open Source available for everyone. Following best-practices.
Starting at € 100 pm
1 Minute Setup (Ready in 20 minutes)
Deploy on your Hosting with API key
1Click Hosting & DEV Tools
Manage all Projects from 1 Portal
Free Best-Practice Theme included
High-Performance with Efficient Cost
Starting at € 427 pm
1 Minute Setup (Ready in 20 minutes)
Fully Managed Hosting with SLA
1Click Hosting & DEV Tools
Manage all Projects from 1 Portal
Free Best-Practice Theme included
High-Performance with Efficient Cost

Works with all your ecommerce tools

Over 500+ integrations available

Improve your daily routine. Launch your Magento 2 store,
The easy way!

Magento 2
Open Source
1 Click Deployment
Battle-tested Theme
Ultimate Hosting Performance
Low Cost of Ownership
Quick Time to Market
Fraud protection, zero liability.
Fraud protection, zero liability.
No personal guarantee
Cards for your whole team.
Cards for your whole team.