No page reloads with AJAX filtering, Vertical and Horizontal Navigation, Handy price sliders and widgets, Multiple values of the same filter, Images and labels instead of text for better visual browsing, 'All products' and 'All brands' pages, Built-in Shop by Brand functionality, Brands Slider for any CMS page or a block, Custom URL alias for filters options, SEO-friendly URLs, Custom pages upload via API, Compatible with GraphQL, Hyva-ready storefront, Compatibility with Live Search for Cloud Edition, Multiple Values Of The Same Filter, Display A Search Box For Each Filter, Set The Number Of Unfolded Filter Values, Apply Multiple Filters In Bulk, Filters For Numeric Attributes, Price Slider Display, Set Limits For A Price Slider, 'From-to' Widget For Numeric Attributes, Advanced Options For Navigation By Brand, Add A Brand Slider To Any CMS Page, More Options For 'All Brands Page', Add Brand Logos To Product Pages, Create Brand Pages With Short URLs, Create SEO-friendly URLs, Specify Custom Texts And Meta Data, Enrich Default Categories Display Modes, Enable multi-select option (for both display modes), Regulate the number of unfolded category options (for 'labels' mode), Specify subcategories display type: fly-out or folding (for 'labels' mode), Set category tree depth (max level of categories), Indicate the level from which categories will be shown, Ajax filter functionality in Magento 2 for quick filtering, Display dependent filters, Restrict filter visibility by category, Use 'one sale' and 'new' filters, Filtering by reviews, In-stock/out of stock filters, Show custom filter tooltips